Applying car retail data - Impact on the business flow prediction.

I. Rados,Miljenko Hajnic

International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO)(2022)

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Predicting car sales trends is an important part of designing sale plans, so the identification of user types (potential buyers) plays a big role in it. Data mining was utilized in this research to gather data from multiple sources for future predictions and achieve better service quality and consumer satisfaction. Gathered users (buyers) data from multiple sources were joined according to the defined logic and common key to get the total number of buyers that purchased cars, online by software platform developed for selling cars and offline in physical stores. This research was conducted on a real company Neostar which is a part of the biggest conglomerate in Croatia and brings answers on the impact of web advertising compared to the classic TV advertising campaigns. It also provides interesting results on the impact of geo-location where the car is physically located and the number of completed car purchases.
retail data,prediction,flow,business
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