Workload Evaluations for Closed Captioners.

Maria Karam, Christie Christelis,Evan Hibbard, Jenny Leung, Tatyana Kumarasamy,Margot Whitfield,Deborah I. Fels

International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP-AAATE)(2022)

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Live captioning in broadcasting involves the translation from spoken words in broadcasted programming to text equivalents, speaker identifcation and some non-speech audio information in real-time where there is little or no opportunity for editing, or correction. Some of this live content can be too fast to type, and/or read, which then can translate into diffculties and barriers for viewers. Recently, paraphrasing has been permitted in order to attempt to mitigate some of these diffculties, but different cognitive elements must be recruited compared with verbatim translation. This research presents preliminary results of live captioner's subjective mental workload (SMW) using the NASA TLX, and their experiences with paraphrasing. We hypothesize that the cognitive processes of paraphrasing increase SMW. Results indicate that live captioners experience high SMW particularly for fast-paced sports. Paraphrasing may contribute to higher perceived SMW for live captioning fast-paced sports, talk shows and weather.
Closed captioners,Live captioning,Fast-paced captioning,NASA TLX,Subjective mental workload
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