Personalized Arrhythmia Detection Based on Lightweight Autoencoder and Variational Autoencoder


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Arrhythmia has become one of the important causes of human death. The research on arrhythmia detection has great medical value. In reality, patients' arrhythmia heartbeat is much less than the normal heartbeat. Supervised classifiers often have the problem of imbalanced training data. Therefore, we propose an unsupervised personalized arrhythmia detection system, called PerAD. PerAD trains a lightweight autoencoder ShaAE for each user for arrhythmia detection. ShaAE only needs to use the user's personal normal data for training. The encoder and decoder of ShaAE are composed of a lightweight network ShaRNN. ShaRNN is a two-layer RNN structure that can process data in parallel. Thus, ShaAE is easy to deploy to edge wearable devices. We also design a fast-inference variational autoencoder to generate normal simulation samples to assist in training ShaAE. We test ShaAE on MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database. ShaAE without using simulation data to assist training can achieve 96.86% accuracy. ShaAE using simulation samples to assist training can achieve accuracy of 97.11% and has 6.19% higher performance than state-of-the-art for f1 score.
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Deep learning,Arrhythmia detection,Unsupervised learning,Lightweight autoencoder,Variational autoencoder
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