A within-study cross-validation of the values-as-ideals measure: levels of value orientation explain variability in well-being.


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There is a consensus that values serve as ideal standards that motivate and influence behavior. Previous research concludes that certain universal values promote well-being and others undermine it. In line with the idea that values behave as a dynamic system and do not influence well-being as independent elements, the present findings indicate that all universal values may contribute to well-being. A new measure assessing the degree 10 universal value domains serve as ideals is administered on an online sample ( = 933) from the United Kingdom. Participants completed three well-being measures. Latent Profile Analysis in a within study cross-validation (Sample 1: = 468, Sample 2: = 465) replicates three distinct latent value profiles denoting , and levels of value orientation. Analysis of Variance shows that the level of value orientation explains differences in average levels of well-being. A -level of value orientation is associated with higher average levels of well-being compared to a -level of value orientation. This evidence suggests that the degree values influence well-being depends on the level they represent people's ideals. In conclusion, the type of value pattern and not the type of prioritized values can systematically explain variability in well-being. Implications are discussed.
Latent profile analysis,Levels of value orientation,Meaning in life,Values,Well-being
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