Jointly Low-Rank Tensor Completion for Estimating Missing Spatiotemporal Values in Logistics Systems

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics(2023)

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With the deepening of industry 4.0 paradigm in logistics systems, artificial intelligent has been widely used to improve the quality of logistics services. Considering that data collected in comprehensive logistics service system usually integrate multistage complex information such as traffic flow records and spatiotemporal trajectory, it is inevitable that the data are incomplete and partially missing due to equipment failures, communication interruptions, etc. As an effective spatiotemporal completion tool in logistics systems, low-rank tensor completion has aroused extensive research interest thanks to its excellent performance on data recovery. Although existing tensor completion methods effectively capture the complex associations/dependencies of multidimensional inputs, they fail to exploit the potential characteristics of spatiotemporal data, such as the periodicity. In this article, we propose a jointly low-rank tensor completion method for logistics data completion, which constructs multiple periodic subtensors by setting an appropriate time window, then performs jointly low-rank completion and imputation. In addition, we also provide an optimization algorithm based on Alternating Direction Method of Multiplier framework for the proposed problem. Experimental results on four logistics-related datasets have further demonstrated the promising performance of the proposed method compared with other state-of-the-art competitors. We believe that the proposed approach not only effectively maintains the advantages of classical completion methods, but also fully excavates the multidimensional correlation and hidden patterns behind records, and further provides a novel and effective strategy for data completion and imputation in logistics systems.
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Key words
Jointly low-rank tensor completion (JLRTC),logistics system,spatiotemporal data completion,tensor decomposition
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