Dynamic Synchrophasor Estimation Based on Weighted Real-Valued Sinc Interpolation Method

IEEE Sensors Journal(2023)

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Phasor measurement units (PMUs) are the cornerstone of intelligent sensing and monitoring of power systems. The superiority of the sinc interpolation function-based least squares (SLS) method, a signal processing algorithm for PMUs, has been proven in harmonic phasor estimation. However, the SLS-based estimators suffer from spectral interferences and heavy computational burden. To this end, a real-valued sinc weighted least squares (SWLS-R) method is proposed to track the dynamic synchrophasor accurately and quickly. First, the weighted vector, i.e., window function, is introduced to enhance the SLS estimator’s behavior by mitigating the impact of spectral interference. Then, the complex-valued system matrix is transformed into the real-valued system matrix to lower the computational burden by avoiding complex matrix multiplication. Finally, an explicit and fast solution is designed to calculate the pseudoinverse matrix of the SWLS-R, which aims to further improve computational efficiency. The accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed method are validated by simulations. These are designed, under steady and dynamic conditions, according to the M-class requirements of the Standard IEC/IEEE 60255-118-1.
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Key words
Dynamic phasor estimation,least squares method,phasor measurement units (PMUs),power systems,real-valued sinc interpolation
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