The unknown fate of macroplastic in mountain rivers


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Mountain rivers are typically seen as relatively pristine ecosystems, supporting numerous goods (e.g., water resources) for human populations living not only in the mountain regions but also downstream from them. However recent evi-dence suggests that mountain river valleys in populated areas can be substantially polluted by macroplastic (plastic item >25 mm). It is unknown how distinct characteristics of mountain rivers modulate macroplastic routes through them, which makes planning effective mitigation strategies difficult. To stimulate future works on this gap, we present a conceptual model of macroplastic transport pathways through mountain river. Based on this model, we formulate four hypotheses on macroplastic input, transport and mechanical degradation in mountain rivers. Then, we propose designs of field experiments that allow each hypothesis to be tested. We hypothesize that some natural characteristics of mountain river catchments can accelerate the input of improperly disposed macroplastic waste from the slope to the river. Further, we hypothesize that specific hydromorphological characteristics of mountain rivers (e.g., high flow velocity) accelerate the downstream transport rate of macroplastic and together with the presence of shallow water and coarse bed sediments it can accelerate mechanical degradation of macroplastic in river channels, accelerating secondary microplastic production. The above suggests that mountain rivers in populated areas can act as microplastic factories, which are able to produce more microplastic from the same amount of macroplastic waste inputted into them (in comparison to lowland rivers that have a different hydromorphology). The produced risks can not only affect mountain rivers but can also be transported downstream. The challenge for the future is how to manage the hypoth-esized risks, especially in mountain areas particularly exposed to plastic pollution due to waste management deficien-cies, high tourism pressure, poor ecological awareness of the population and lack of uniform regional and global regulations for the problem.
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Plastic fragmentation,Macroplastic storage,Plastic degradation,Secondary microplastic
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