UAV Formation Obstacle Avoidance Based on Improved Consistency Algorithm

2022 IEEE 4th International Conference on Civil Aviation Safety and Information Technology (ICCASIT)(2022)

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Aiming at the formation obstacle avoidance problem of multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) system in complex environment, this paper designs a virtual agent based on consistent formation algorithm, so as to minimize the impact of obstacle avoidance process on formation. When an agent needs to avoid obstacles, it will generate a virtual agent to maintain consistent communication with other UAVs, which is conducive to maintaining the consistency of the whole formation. Compared with the classical artificial potential field obstacle avoidance method, the simulation results show that the proposed method in this paper can effectively realize formation obstacle avoidance, and has more advantages in formation maintenance after obstacle avoidance.
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Key words
consistency,multi UAV,obstacle avoidance,virtual agent,artificial potential energy field
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