Model for Water Quality Monitoring Based on Internet of Things

Soka Zimba,Christopher Chembe

Zambia ICT Journal(2022)

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In Lusaka, water pollution has been a problem for many decades, which has led to outbreaks of various waterborne diseases such as cholera, dysentery, and many more. In this research, we proposed a water quality monitoring system based on the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT relies on sensors to measure different parameters in water and report the results in real-time. The real-time information obtained from sensors through the IoT system can be used to warn users if there is any contamination in the water before the community gets infected. The deliverables for this research project are 1) Water quality monitoring using IoT sensors; 2) a dashboard to show water analysis from sensors, and 3) a mobile application to notify users should there be contamination of water. The results were obtained through the testing of water collected from various sources. Others results collected are dairy gold milk, undiluted Coolsplash juice and combination of other mixture. The results obtained show that IoT technology can be used to detect water quality. The model design has demonstrated to be effective based on the results obtained from the experiments. The proposed prototype can be used to help monitor water quality in Zambia.
water quality monitoring
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