Efficient Frameworks for Generalized Low-Rank Matrix Bandit Problems


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In the stochastic contextual low-rank matrix bandit problem, the expected reward of an action is given by the inner product between the action's feature matrix and some fixed, but initially unknown d_1 by d_2 matrix Θ^* with rank r ≪{d_1, d_2}, and an agent sequentially takes actions based on past experience to maximize the cumulative reward. In this paper, we study the generalized low-rank matrix bandit problem, which has been recently proposed in under the Generalized Linear Model (GLM) framework. To overcome the computational infeasibility and theoretical restrain of existing algorithms on this problem, we first propose the G-ESTT framework that modifies the idea from by using Stein's method on the subspace estimation and then leverage the estimated subspaces via a regularization idea. Furthermore, we remarkably improve the efficiency of G-ESTT by using a novel exclusion idea on the estimated subspace instead, and propose the G-ESTS framework. We also show that G-ESTT can achieve the Õ(√((d_1+d_2)MrT)) bound of regret while G-ESTS can achineve the Õ(√((d_1+d_2)^3/2Mr^3/2T)) bound of regret under mild assumption up to logarithm terms, where M is some problem dependent value. Under a reasonable assumption that M = O((d_1+d_2)^2) in our problem setting, the regret of G-ESTT is consistent with the current best regret of Õ((d_1+d_2)^3/2√(rT)/D_rr)  (D_rr will be defined later). For completeness, we conduct experiments to illustrate that our proposed algorithms, especially G-ESTS, are also computationally tractable and consistently outperform other state-of-the-art (generalized) linear matrix bandit methods based on a suite of simulations.
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