Determinants of knowledge, attitudes, and preventive practices for COVID-19 infection in Goma, DRC

Willy Missumba Kakozi,Barry Katembo, Pierrot Mazirane,Patricia Mishika Lukusa, Edo Baluntu, Espérance Makombe, Claudine Munyatwari Bahire, Justin Murabazi,Olivier Mukuku,Zacharie Kibendelwa Tsongo,Stanis Okitotsho Wembonyama

Advances in Health and Behavior(2022)

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Purpose: In view of the resurgence of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the North Kivu province, particularly in Goma city, the epicenter of the disease, it is necessary to study the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of the population of Goma city on COVID-19 infection.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted from July 15 to August 15, 2021. A 3-degree cluster survey was conducted in Goma city, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Bivariate and multivariate analyzes were performed by the STATA 15 software.Results: 1,194 individuals responded to the survey and had heard of COVID-19; 74.62% of the respondents had good knowledge, 77.39% had a positive attitude, and 45.48% practiced preventive measures against COVID-19. Determinants of good knowledge were the age groups 30-39 years and 40-49 years, secondary and higher/university educational levels, and not having suffered from COVID-19. Determinants of positive attitude were female sex, having a professional occupation, having a family member or close relative who had suffered from COVID-19, and living in the Karisimbi municipality. Determinants of better practice were female sex, secondary and higher/university educational levels, not having a professional occupation, and having a family member or close relative who had suffered from COVID-19.Conclusion: To effectively control this epidemic, it is essential to strengthening risk communication with full community participation. This strategy must be coupled with measures to make prevention methods available to the benefit of the entire population.
preventive practices,goma,infection
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