Topological Dimensions from Disorder and Quantum Mechanics?


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We have recently shown that the critical Anderson electron in D=3 dimensions effectively occupies a spatial region of the infrared (IR) scaling dimension dIR approximate to 8/3. Here, we inquire about the dimensional substructure involved. We partition space into regions of equal quantum occurrence probabilities, such that the points comprising a region are of similar relevance, and calculate the IR scaling dimension d of each. This allows us to infer the probability density p(d) for dimension d to be accessed by the electron. We find that p(d) has a strong peak at d very close to two. In fact, our data suggest that p(d) is non-zero on the interval [dmin,dmax]approximate to[4/3,8/3] and may develop a discrete part (delta-function) at d=2 in the infinite-volume limit. The latter invokes the possibility that a combination of quantum mechanics and pure disorder can lead to the emergence of integer (topological) dimensions. Although dIR is based on effective counting, of which p(d) has no a priori knowledge, dIR >= dmax is an exact feature of the ensuing formalism. A possible connection of our results to the recent findings of dIR approximate to 2 in Dirac near-zero modes of thermal quantum chromodynamics is emphasized.
Anderson transition,localization,effective counting dimension,effective number theory,effective support,dimension content,emergent space
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