Pole position of Λ(1405) measured in d(K−,n)πΣ reactions

S. Aikawa,S. Ajimura, T. Akaishi,H. Asano,G. Beer,C. Berucci,M. Bragadireanu,P. Buehler,L. Busso,M. Cargnelli,S. Choi,C. Curceanu,S. Enomoto,H. Fujioka, Y. Fujiwara, T. Fukuda,C. Guaraldo, T. Hashimoto,R.S. Hayano,T. Hiraiwa,M. Iio,M. Iliescu, K. Inoue,Y. Ishiguro,S. Ishimoto, T. Ishikawa,K. Itahashi,M. Iwai, M. Iwasaki,K. Kanno, K. Kato, Y. Kato, S. Kawasaki,P. Kienle, Y. Komatsu,H. Kou, Y. Ma,J. Marton,Y. Matsuda,Y. Mizoi,O. Morra, R. Murayama,T. Nagae,H. Noumi, H. Ohnishi,S. Okada,Z. Omar,H. Outa,K. Piscicchia,Y. Sada,A. Sakaguchi,F. Sakuma, M. Sato,A. Scordo,M. Sekimoto, H. Shi,K. Shirotori,D. Sirghi,F. Sirghi, K. Suzuki, S. Suzuki, T. Suzuki, K. Tanida, H. Tatsuno, A.O. Tokiyasu,M. Tokuda,D. Tomono,A. Toyoda, K. Tsukada,O. Vazquez-Doce,E. Widmann,T. Yamaga, T. Yamazaki,H. Yim, Q. Zhang,J. Zmeskal

Physics Letters B(2022)

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We measured a set of π±Σ∓, π0Σ0, and π−Σ0 invariant mass spectra below and above the K¯N mass threshold in K−-induced reactions on deuteron. The measured πΣ mass spectral shape is well reproduced via the two-step mechanism, i.e., a neutron knocked out at a forward angle from a deuteron by an incident K−, with the K¯ recoiled backward reacting with the residual nucleon to produce π and Σ. We deduced the S-wave K¯N→πΣ and K¯N→K¯N scattering amplitudes in the isospin 0 channel in the framework of a K¯N and πΣ coupled channel. We find that a resonance pole corresponding to Λ(1405) is located at 1417.7−7.4+6.0 (fitting errors)−1.0+1.1 (systematic errors) + [−26.1−7.9+6.0 (fitting errors)−2.0+1.7 (systematic errors)] i MeV/c2, closer to the K¯N mass threshold than the value determined by the Particle Data Group.
Hyperon resonance,Meson-baryon bound state,Kaon-nucleon interation,Scattering amplitude
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