Beyond the Four-Level Model: Dark and Hot States in Quantum Dots Degrade Photonic Entanglement

Nano letters(2023)

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Entangled photon pairs are essential for a multitude of quantum photonic applications. To date, the best performing solid-state quantum emitters of entangled photons are semiconductor quantum dots operated around liquidhelium temperatures. To favor the widespread deployment of these sources, it is important to explore and understand their behavior at temperatures accessible with compact Stirling coolers. Here we study the polarization entanglement among photon pairs from the biexciton-exciton cascade in GaAs quantum dots at temperatures up to -,65 K. We observe entanglement degradation accompanied by changes in decay dynamics, which we ascribe to thermal population and depopulation of hot and dark states in addition to the four levels relevant for photon pair generation. Detailed calculations considering the presence and characteristics of the additional states and phononassisted transitions support the interpretation. We expect these results to guide the optimization of quantum dots as sources of highly entangled photons at elevated temperatures.
Quantum Optics,Quantum Dots,Temperature Dependency,Excited States,Hot States,Entanglement
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