A Special Type of Multifunctional Stadiums: Great Forest Stadium in Debrecen (Hungary)


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As a result of the stadium construction wave recently observed in North America and Europe, the question of the cost-effective operation of these facilities entered the foreground. Formerly, researchers advocated that these sports facilities had no significant positive economic impact, and no considerable increasing effect can be observed in terms of workplaces, personal incomes, or local tax revenues. In recent years, however, many researchers attribute a serious economic impact to particular facilities, including the so-called multifunctional stadiums, which are used for purposes other than one particular sports activity. The aim of our study, after summarising the factors leading to the establishment of multifunctional stadiums and the most important characteristics of the completed facilities, is to demonstrate the various utilization possibilities through the case study of the Great Forest Stadium in Debrecen. As an outcome of the research, it may be concluded that the facility has all features (conference room, catering unit, own shop, etc.) that are typical for medium-sized stadiums. Besides, the services related to health sciences constitute unique elements that can be explained by the activities of the higher education institution of the city, the University of Debrecen, which considers the Third Mission activities as particularly important.
multifunctional modern stadiums,diversity of utilization of sports facilities,medium-sized stadiums,University of Debrecen
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