Collaborative Ecological Flow Decision Making under the Bengbu Sluice Based on Ecological-Economic Objectives

Ying Pei,Baohong Lu, Yang Song, Yan Yang, Xinyue Feng, Wenlong Shen


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The construction of dams destroys the integrity of a watershed system and the continuity of natural water flow, creating a watershed with segmented and fragmented rivers. This, in turn, affects and even destroys the health and stability of the watershed ecosystem. This study selected the downstream area of Bengbu Sluice in the Huai River Basin of China as the study area. To address the increasingly prominent ecosystem degradation in the Huai River Basin, ecological flow thresholds were determined using habitat simulation and hydrological approaches for mutual validation. A multi-objective synergistic decision model incorporating ecological and socioeconomic objectives was developed to coordinate the economic and ecological water use conflicts in the study area. The optimal coordinated solution for the ecological flow of important biological habitats in the basin was determined with the multi-objective synergistic method. The results demonstrated that a coordinated solution could guarantee the ecological and economic water demands of the basin. The findings of this study can be used as a reference for scientific guidelines on future ecological operations in dam-controlled rivers.
ecological flow,habitat simulation,multi-objective decision making,ecological operation
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