Phylogeography and evolutionary lineage diversity in the small-eared greater galago, Otolemur garnettii (Primates: Galagidae)


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Assessing the true lineage diversity in elusive nocturnal organisms is particularly challenging due to their subtle phenotypic variation in diagnostic traits. The cryptic small-eared greater galago (Otolemur garnettii) offers a great opportunity to test if currently recognized subspecies, suggested by discontinuities in coat colour pattern and geographic barriers, represent distinct evolutionary lineages. To answer this question, we conducted the first population-level phylogeographic study of the species, sampling wild specimens from across almost its entire latitudinal range, including the Zanzibar Archipelago. We applied five species-delimitation algorithms to investigate the genetic diversity and distribution pattern of mitochondrial DNA across the geographic range of three out of four subspecies. Our results suggest that far-northern populations of O. g. lasiotis potentially represent an independently evolving lineage, but populations assigned to O. g. garnettii from Zanzibar Island and of O. g panganiensis from mainland Tanzania do not constitute two independent lineages. A dated phylogeny suggests that this northern clade diverged from all remaining samples approximately 4 Mya. Such old divergence age is in line with the split between many galagid species. This northern lineage could potentially represent an incipient species; however, there is not yet enough evidence to support a new taxonomic status for this unique mitochondrial group.
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cryptic species, East Africa, nocturnal primates, speciation, species delimitation, subspecies, taxonomy
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