HARMONI at ELT: Overview of capabilities and expected performance of the ELT's AO assisted integral field spectrograph

Niranjan A. Thatte,Dave Melotte,Benoit Neichel,David Le Mignant,Ian Bryson,Fraser Clarke,Vanessa Ferraro-Wood,Thierry Fusco,Oscar Gonzalez,Hermine Schnetler,Matthias Tecza, Sandi Wilson, Alonso Alvarez Uruena, Heribert Argelaguet Vilaseca,Santiago Arribas,Gonzalo Jose Carracedo Carballal,Alejandro Crespo, Alberto Estrada Piqueras, Miriam Garcia Garcia,Cecilia Martinez Martin, Miguel Pereira Santaella,Michele Perna,Javier Piqueras Lopez,Nicolas Bouche,Didier Boudon,Eric Daguise,Karen Disseau,Jeremy Fensch,Adrien Girardot,Matthieu Guibert,Aurelien Jarno,Alexandre Jeanneau,Jens-Kristian Krogager,Florence Laurent,Magali Loupias,Jean-Emmanuel Migniau,Laure Piqueras,Alban Remillieux,Johan Richard,Arlette Pecontal,Lisa Bardou,David Barr, Sylvain Cetre,Rishi Deshmukh,Sofia Dimoudi,Marc Dubbledam,Andrew Dunn,Dimitri Gadotti, Joss Guy,David King, David Little,Anna McLeod,Simon Morris,Tim Morris,Kieran O'Brien, Emily Ronson,Russell Smith,Lazar Staykov,Mark Swinbank,Matthew Townson,Matteo Accardo,Domingo Alvarez Mendez,Elizabeth George,Joshua Hopgood,Derek Ives,Leander Mehrgan,Eric Mueller,Javier Reyes,Ralf Conzelmann,Pablo Gutierrez Cheetham,Angel Alonso Sanchez,Giuseppina Battaglia,Miguel Cagigas,Haresh Chulani, Graciela Delgado Garcia,Patricia Fernandez Izquierdo, Ana Belen Fragoso Lopez,Begona Garcia-Lorenzo, Alberto Hernandez Gonzalez,Elvio Hernandez Suarez, Jose Miguel Herreros Linares,Enrique Joven,Roberto Lopez, Alejandro Antonio Lujan Gonzalez,Yolanda Martin Hernando,Evencio Mediavilla,Saul Menendez Mendoza, Luz Maria Montoya Martinez,Jose Penate Castro, Alvaro Perez,Jose Luis Rasilla,Rafael Rebolo,Luis Fernando Rodriguez Ramos,Afrodisio Vega Moreno, Teodora Viera,Natacha Zanon Dametto,Alexis Carlotti,Jean-Jacques Correia, Stephane Curaba,Alain Delboulbe,Sylvain Guieu,Adrien Hours,Zoltan Hubert,Laurent Jocou,Yves Magnard,Thibaut Moulin,Fabrice Pancher,Patrick Rabou,Eric Stadler, Maxime Verove,Thierry Contini,Marie Larrieu, Olivier Boebion, Yan Fantei-Caujolle, Daniel Lecron,Sylvain Rousseau,Philippe Amram,Olivier Beltramo-Martin,William Bon,Anne Bonnefoi, William Ceria,Zalpha Challita, Yannick Charles,Elodie Choquet,Carlos Correia,Anne Costille,Kjetil Dohlen,Franck Ducret,Kacem El Hadi,Jean-Luc Gach,Jean-Luc Gimenez,Olivier Groussin,Marc Jaquet,Pierre Jouve,Fabrice Madec,Felipe Pedreros,Edgard Renault,Patrice Sanchez,Arthur Vigan,Pascal Vola,Annie Zavagno,Romain Fetick,Caroline Lim,Cyril Petit,Jean-Francois Sauvage,Nicolas Vedrenne,Taha Bagci,Martin Caldwell,Ellis Elliott,Peter Hiscock,Emma Johnson,Murali Nalagatla,Tea Seitis,Mark Wells,Martin Black,Charlotte Bond, Saskia Brierley, Kenny Campbell,Neil Campbell, James Carruthers,William Cochrane,Chris Evans,Joel Harman,William Humphreys, Tom Louth,Chris Miller,David Montgomery,Meenu Murali,John Murray, Norman O'Malley,Ruben Sanchez-Janssen,Noah Schwartz,Patrick Smith, Jonathan Strachan,Stephen Todd,Stuart Watt,Martyn Wells,Asim Yaqoob,Eric Bell,Oleg Gnedin,Kayhan Gultekin,Mario Mateo,Michael Meyer,Munadi Ahmad,Jayne Birkby,Michael Booth,Michele Cappellari, Edgar Castillo Dominguez, Jorge Chao Ortiz,David Gooding,Kearn Grisdale,Andrea Hidalgo,Laurence Hogan,James Kariuki,Ian Lewis,Adam Lowe,Zeynep Ozer,Laurence Routledge,Dimitra Rigopoulou,Alec York


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HARMONI is the first light, adaptive optics assisted, integral field spectrograph for the European Southern Observatory's Extremely Large Telescope (ELT). A work-horse instrument, it provides the ELT's diffraction limited spectroscopic capability across the near-infrared wavelength range. HARMONI will exploit the ELT's unique combination of exquisite spatial resolution and enormous collecting area, enabling transformational science. The design of the instrument is being finalized, and the plans for assembly, integration and testing are being detailed. We present an overview of the instrument's capabilities from a user perspective, and provide a summary of the instrument's design. We also include recent changes to the project, both technical and programmatic, that have resulted from red-flag actions. Finally, we outline some of the simulated HARMONI observations currently being analyzed.
integral field spectroscopy,adaptive optics,ELT,image slicer,high contrast
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