Light driven interactions in spatial predator-prey chemotaxis model in the presence of chemical agent


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We develop and analyze a spatial temporal model of light driven ecotoxicological processes, motivated by an aquatic predator-prey system of algae and Daphnia subject to a contaminant. Population dynamics are driven by light, which is periodic in time and varies with spatial depth. The existence and uniqueness of spatial and temporal dependent periodic solutions are shown and analytical functions of the solutions under parameter constraints are presented. We conduct Turing stability analyses of solutions with respect to perturbations of initial conditions. Given a perturbation to a periodic equilibrium state, we show the system will return to this equilibrium state as long as motility is fast enough and/or the reservoir depth is shallow enough. Analytical results assume some Dirichlet boundary conditions that match the periodic equilibrium state, however numerical simulations with more relaxed bound-ary conditions capture similar periodic solutions. The work sheds light onto spatially dependent population dynamics that are driven by periodic forces, such as light levels.
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periodic light, ecotoxicology and population dynamics, Turing stability
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