First record of a common diving petrel pelecanoides urinatrix from continental africa, and a summary of diving petrel distribution in the southern ocean


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Tracking studies show that diving petrels regularly disperse thousands of kilometres from their colonies during the non-breeding season, yet there are relatively few vagrant records of diving petrels. We report the first record of a diving petrel from continental Africa. A Common Diving Petrel Pelecanoides urinatrix was found dead near Cape Town, South Africa, on 03 March 2021. It appeared to be from the subAntarctic subspecies P. u.exsul, which is supported by sightings at sea; P. u. dacunhae is not recorded away from Tristan da Cunha and Gough Islands. However, diving petrels are common similar to 1 500-2 000 km southwest of Cape Town in March, in an area where diving petrels from South Georgia winter. In April, diving petrels-presumably from colonies at islands in the southwest Indian Ocean-are common in Antarctic waters 2 100-2 600 km south of Africa and have been seen within 1 200 km of Africa. The Cape Town bird may have come from either of these populations. At-sea and tracking data show that diving petrels are widespread from ca. 45-60 degrees S throughout the Southern Ocean, possibly excluding the southeast Pacific sector.
Cape Town,non-breeding distribution,dispersal
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