On-orbit electrical power system dataset of 1U CubeSat constellation


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This article presents a database containing on-orbit data samples of the Electrical Power System (EPS) from 4 different 1U CubeSats belonging to the BIRDS constellation. The EPS is responsible for providing uninterrupted power to overall satellite both during sunlight and eclipse. The satellites are based on the BIRDS open-source standardized bus designed by Kyutech for research and education. BIRDS bus was used for six satellites that were delivered to ISS on board the Cygnus re-supply spacecraft launched by Antares rocket and released from International Space Station (ISS) into ISS orbit (altitude 400 km, inclination: 51.6 degrees, duration: 92.6 min). The dataset contains the data of voltage (mV), current (mA) and temperature (Celsius) of the battery and solar panels attached to 5 sides of the satellite. This data is collected by the on-board computer every 90 seconds in nominal operation or every 10 seconds in fast sampling mode. The data is downloaded from the satellite memory by the ground station operators. Next, space engineering experts from Kyushu Institute of Technology have analysed the dataset to classify each data sample into normal or anomaly classes. This paper provides one datafile per satellite, that includes data from solar panels and battery since their deployment into orbit until the end of its life for the UGUISU, RAAVANA, and NEPALISAT satellites, first two showing a failure in one of their panels during more than two years of operation on-orbit. The TSURU satellite dataset includes data since its deployment into orbit and will continue to be collected until the end of its life. The dataset generated will be useful for 1U CubeSat, such as BIRDS platform, users, and satellite developers by using it as a reference to compare the behaviour of their Electric Power System under different operating scenarios and align their missions according to the available power on-orbit. At the same time, the dataset can help computer science researchers to build and validate new models for fault diagnosis and outlier detection. (C) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc.
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1U CubeSat, Solar panel, Electrical power system, On-orbit dataset, BIRDS program
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