Validation of an Interoperability Framework for Linking mHealth Applications to eRecord Systems in Botswana: Experts’ Survey (Preprint)

JMIR Formative Research(2022)

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BACKGROUND eRecord systems and mHealth applications have documented potential to improve health service delivery, resulting in their increased global uptake. However, their interoperability remains a global challenge hindering diagnosis, monitoring of health conditions, and data access irrespective of geographic location. Given the widespread use of mobile devices by patients and healthcare providers, linking mHealth applications and eRecord systems could result in a comprehensive and seamless data exchange within a healthcare community. The Botswana National eHealth Strategy recognises interoperability as an issue and mHealth as a potential solution for some healthcare needs but is silent on how to make mHealth applications interoperable with existing eRecord systems. As such, it was critical to develop an mHealth-eRecord Interoperability Framework (mHeRIF) to leverage the full benefits of interoperable healthcare information systems. In the absence of a mHeRIF suitable for Botswana, the authors conceptualised, designed, and developed a Botswana specific mHeRIF towards enhancement of the National eHealth Strategy. OBJECTIVE To validate the developed mHeRIF and determine if it requires further refinement before application. METHODS Published framework validation approaches guided the development of a survey administered to 12 purposively selected local and international eHealth experts. Quantitative responses were collated in an Excel spreadsheet for descriptive analysis, and NVivo 11 software was used to aid thematic analysis of the open-ended questions. RESULTS Analysis of responses showed overall support for the content and format of the proposed mHeRIF. However, some experts’ suggestions led to four modest revisions of the framework. CONCLUSIONS The revised mHeRIF contributes to the National eHealth Strategy by guiding the linking of mHealth applications to existing eRecord systems in Botswana. It identifies key components to consider prior to and post linking of mHealth applications to eRecord systems in the context of Botswana and similar developing countries. It is being considered for use as the foundation of such interoperability in Botswana.
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