DDSupport: Language Learning Support System that Displays Differences and Distances from Model Speech


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When beginners learn to speak a non-native language, it is difficult for them to judge for themselves whether they are speaking well. Therefore, computer-assisted pronunciation training systems are used to detect learner mispronunciations. These systems typically compare the user's speech with that of a specific native speaker as a model in units of rhythm, phonemes, or words and calculate the differences. However, they require extensive speech data with detailed annotations or can only compare with one specific native speaker. To overcome these problems, we propose a new language learning support system that calculates speech scores and detects mispronunciations by beginners based on a small amount of unannotated speech data without comparison to a specific person. The proposed system uses deep learning--based speech processing to display the pronunciation score of the learner's speech and the difference/distance between the learner's and a group of models' pronunciation in an intuitively visual manner. Learners can gradually improve their pronunciation by eliminating differences and shortening the distance from the model until they become sufficiently proficient. Furthermore, since the pronunciation score and difference/distance are not calculated compared to specific sentences of a particular model, users are free to study the sentences they wish to study. We also built an application to help non-native speakers learn English and confirmed that it can improve users' speech intelligibility.
computer-aided language learning (CALL),computer-assisted pronunciation training (CAPT),audio and speech interfaces,deep learning
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