Expanding Insurance Coverage to Undocumented Immigrants in Connecticut.

Rand health quarterly(2022)

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Policymakers in Connecticut are considering various state-funded policy options to improve insurance coverage among undocumented and legally present recent immigrants in the state - almost 60 percent of whom lack health insurance. In particular, they are removing immigration status requirements from Medicaid eligibility. They are also considering whether to provide state-funded subsidies to undocumented immigrants enrolled in individual market plans. A key challenge for this analysis was determining what share of undocumented immigrants would be likely to take up insurance coverage if it were available to them. Because few states have expanded coverage to their undocumented populations and because the denominator is uncertain, estimates of take-up rates are highly uncertain. There is similar uncertainty in estimating how much health care undocumented populations will use once they become insured. To address these uncertainties, the authors conducted sensitivity analyses that varied both the take-up and utilization rates. Using the RAND Corporation's COMPARE microsimulation model, the authors estimate the impacts of each policy scenario on enrollment, premiums, state spending, and hospital spending on uncompensated care. Their analysis suggests that removing immigration status requirements for Medicaid and individual market subsidy eligibility would decrease uninsurance among the undocumented and legally present recent immigrant populations by 32 to 37 percent and could improve insurance coverage and affordability in Connecticut for these populations while not substantially impacting other Connecticut residents.
Connecticut,Health Care Access,Health Insurance Markets,Immigrants and Emigrants,Medicaid,Modeling and Simulation
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