BEVBert: Topo-Metric Map Pre-training for Language-guided Navigation


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Existing approaches for vision-and-language navigation (VLN) are mainly based on cross-modal reasoning over discrete views. However, this scheme may hamper an agent's spatial and numerical reasoning because of incomplete objects within a single view and duplicate observations across views. A potential solution is mapping discrete views into a unified birds's-eye view, which can aggregate partial and duplicate observations. Existing metric maps could achieve this goal, but they suffer from less expressive semantics (e.g. usually predefined labels) and limited map size, which weakens an agent's language grounding and long-term planning ability. Inspired by the robotics community, we introduce hybrid topo-metric maps into VLN, where a topological map is used for long-term planning and a metric map for short-term reasoning. Beyond mapping with more expressive deep features, we further design a pre-training framework via the hybrid map to learn language-informed map representations, which enhances cross-modal grounding and facilitates the final language-guided navigation goal. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the map-based route for VLN, and the proposed method sets the new state-of-the-art on three VLN benchmarks.
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