Special Issue on the Workshop about Reinforcement Learning in Networks and Queues (RLNQ 2021).

ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review(2022)

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The workshop aims to revisit the development and the application of reinforcement learning techniques in the various application areas covered by the SIGMETRICS conference. Topics include but are not limited to queueing networks (scheduling, resource allocations), cloud computing, cyberphysical systems (including the smart grid), computer and communication networks, etc. This workshop aims to bring together researchers working on the theoretical aspects and the application of reinforcement learning techniques. It is intended to provide a focus on reinforcement learning techniques at SIGMETRICS conferences for talks on early research on the subject. We aim to gather talks based on recent research results (including work in progress or work that have been submitted to a journal) as well as recently published results in other conferences or journals. Thus, part of the goal is to complement and supplement the SIGMETRICS Conference program with such talks without removing any theoretical contributions from the main technical program.
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