Fake News Detection System Using Featured-Based Optimized MSVM Classification.

IEEE Access(2022)

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Fake News creates erroneous suspense information that can be identified. This spreads dishonesty about a country's status or overstates the expense of special functions for a government, destroying democracy in certain countries, such as in the Arab Spring. Associations such as the "House of Commons and the Crosscheck project" address concerns such as publisher responsibility. However, since they rely entirely on manual detection by humans, their coverage is minimal. This is neither sustainable nor possible in a world where billions of items are withdrawn or posted every second. The paper produces a deep study on past research work on fake news detection on the selected data-sets and proposes an algorithm with Multi-layered Principal Component Analysis for feature selection followed by firefly-optimized algorithm. Multi-Support Vector Machines(MSVM) are finally used to classify the news. We used ten different data-sets for testing the proposed algorithm. As the number of features in the data-sets are more, feature extration and selection methods help to improve the accuracy in respective data-sets. Only the datasets having less number of features gave a lower performance on our feature extraction algorithms.
Fake news,Feature extraction,Social networking (online),Blogs,Bit error rate,Numerical models,Classification algorithms,Long short term memory,Support vector machines,Fake news,rirefly,long short-term memory (LSTM),multi support vector machine (MSVM)
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