Plasma progastrin-releasing peptide level shows different predictive profiles for treatment response by androgen receptor axis-targeted agents in patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer.

Cancer reports (Hoboken, N.J.)(2023)

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Plasma ProGRP provides a consistent predictive value for OS in metastatic CRPC patients who underwent therapy with ARAT agents. Meanwhile, ProGRP showed different predictive profiles for PSA- and r/s PFS between ENZ and AA/P. These findings clinically suggest a mechanism for CRPC progression involving the NE pathway via the GRP. The underlying mechanism of different predictive profiles by the ARAT agent should be explored in future research.
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Key words
androgen receptor axis-targeted agents,castration-resistant prostate cancer,gastrin-releasing peptide,neuroendocrine pathway,progastrin-releasing peptide
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