Relation of the SYM, ASYM Indices of the Ring Current Magnetic Field to Auroral Indices

Networked Control Systems for Connected and Automated Vehicles(2022)

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The research of indices connection describing symmetrical (SYM) and asymmetric (ASYM) parts of a magnetic disturbance, created by a ring current, with the indices of auroral electrojet activity (AE, AU, AL) is carried out during the main phases and recovery phases for separate magnetic storms in period with 2000 on 2001. At the transition from the main phase of a magnetic storm to the recovery phase the signs of correlation of indices AU, AL with an index SYM changes. On the level of correlation it is possible to analyze the role of influence of cur-rent systems, arising during physical processes, causing asymmetry of a ring current. At the absence of temporary delay the highest anticorrelation between indices ASYM and AL exists, as the analysis displays, for temporary sectors «evening», «evening–night», «night», «night–morning» and «morning». So we can assume that the current system of the asymmetric part of ring current presents in these sectors and its direction is opposite to the direction of the westward electrojets current system. Correlation between ASYM and AU indices is positive and the strongest for “morning-day” and “day” sectors. So the asymmetric part of ring current is present in these sectors and its direction is the same as the eastward auroral electrojet direction (AU). For sectors “night” and “night-morning”, the correlation of these data is negative, so the corresponding current systems are counter directed.
Ring current, Magnetic field, Auroral indices, Correlation, Electrojets, Magnetic disturbances
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