Real-Time Wavelet-Based Data Compression in Light of IEC61850 Communication Protocol

Rizwan Ayub,Walid G. Morsi

2022 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE)(2022)

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This study addresses the problem of data compression in the context of IEC61850 communication protocol used in smart grids. The study presents a new approach based on wavelet compression that uses the predictor importance to identify the wavelet detail level that holds the salient features of the disturbance signal and then applies a hybrid threshold that includes both hard and soft thresholds to the wavelet details. The effectiveness of the proposed approach has been tested and evaluated and the results have shown that the proposed approach was very effective in increasing the compression ratio leading to reduction in the file sizes. Furthermore, the results of testing the proposed approach using a real-time digital simulator in the context of IEC61850 showed that the implementation of the proposed approach not only led to a significant reduction in the number of messages but also leads to a reduction in their sizes while maintaining a high-quality signal reconstruction following the compression process.
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Key words
Data compression,power quality,wavelets
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