Analysis and Sharing System of the Second Pollution Source Census Results Data Based on Apache Kylin and WebGIS

2022 15th International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (ICACTE)(2022)

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With the end of the Second National Pollution Source Census (SNPSC), a large amount of census results data has been obtained. As basic data, these data are rich in value and can provide important support for various businesses related to ecology and environment. However, in order to obtain the value contained in the pollution source census results data, it is necessary to mine the results data, which is difficult to be done by general business personnel in the field of ecology and environment, and this requires professionals to use professional tools to complete this work. To address this situation, this paper develops an analysis and sharing system for the results data of the SNPSC based on the collation of the results data of the SNPSC. This system uses Apache Kylin and Web GIS to build a data analysis toolset, which achieves the analysis of the SNPSC results data from the dimension of business data analysis and the dimension of spatial distribution of pollution sources. and achieves the sharing of the analysis results. The system is designed with an easy-to-use interface, so that even non-professionals can realize the data analysis of the SNPSC results data through this system and make the second NPSC results data more valuable.
second national pollution source census,apache kylin,web GIS,data analysis,data sharing
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