Extension of the FTT-Ethernet Architecture for the support of Telemetry Messages in Launcher Networks

2022 AEIT International Annual Conference (AEIT)(2022)

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Future launch vehicle development envisions an increase in operational flexibility achieved through the introduction of avionics based on advanced sensor devices in distributed networks. The need for high bandwidth and flexible solutions means that the currently used MIL-STD-1553B is no longer sufficient, as it only provides a bus solution with limited bandwidth (1 Mbps). In this work, a new Ethernet-based launch vehicle network is proposed that increases bandwidth availability to at least 100 Mbps and supports real-time requirements for Guide, Navigation and Control and Telemetry messages. Coexistence of these two traffic types on the same network infrastructure is guaranteed by an ad hoc heuristic scheduling algorithm, which takes into account the different Quality of Service requirements of the two different traffic classes. The performance of the network solution is evaluated through a tailor-made software simulator, which shows that the scheduling algorithm proposed in this work, distinguishing between two traffic types, can lead to a performance gain up to 50% of bandwidth with respect to a precedent proposal in which differentiated real time services are not supported.
Launch Vehicle,Flexible Time Triggered Ethernet,TTEthernet
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