Numerical adjustment of Ion Parametric Resonance conditions for biological experiments

Marek Bajtos,Roman Radil,Ladislav Janoušek, Klaudia Hargasova,Sebastian Student, Olga Kocikowska

2022 23rd International Conference on Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering (CPEE)(2022)

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This article deals with the practical adjustment of the static magnetic field, which would possibly lead to clarification of special conditions used during experiments focused on Ion parametric resonance theory. While the targeted ion in the cell oscillates proportionally to the frequency of the applied time-varying magnetic field, even low alteration of Earth magnetic flux density could modify or slightly shift the resonance peak. Therefore, numerical simulations of the designed experimental setup, with a focus on 5 different evaluation curves of B-field, were performed. The extraction curves' positions represent the Yeast-Peptone-Dextrose medium, where eukaryotic cells are cultivated. After time exposure to the applied magnetic field with defined parameters, the proliferative activity is calculated. As a result of the unexpected diversity of previous studies in relevance to IPR theory, we have decided to modify and create unique conditions with an increasing static component of the magnetic field to 5.02 mT. Consequently, the alteration of Earth's magnetic field in time will be negligible to our conditions.
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Key words
ion parametric resonance,static component of magnetic field,extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field,magnetic flux density
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