Low Carbon Economic Scheduling of Wind Power System Including Environmental Premium and Carbon Cost

Heng Zhao,Yuyan Yang,Song Qing, Tong Zhang, Jie Peng, Yongchen Jiang,Jichun Liu

2022 Asian Conference on Frontiers of Power and Energy (ACFPE)(2022)

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Energy saving, emission reduction, and dual control of energy consumption will be the focus of energy industries in the future. Green electricity and carbon market mechanism will help China achieve the “dual carbon.” Under the existing green electricity trading mechanism, the carbon reduction benefits of wind power are quantified and converted into an environmental premium. Considering the environmental premium and carbon cost, a low carbon economic scheduling model with wind power system is established. MATLAB and CPLEX are used to solve the problem, and the influence of different carbon prices on dispatching costs is analyzed. The results show that the above model can effectively take the impact of carbon quota and environmental premium of renewable energy on the power generation cost into consideration. It can balance the economy of electricity production of the system with the responsibility of low-carbon emission.
Wind power,Green electricity trading,Carbon trading,Scheduling plan
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