Cross-domain Resemblance Detection based on Meta-learning for Cloud Storage

Baisong Li,Wenlong Tian,Ruixuan Li,Weijun Xiao,Zhongming Fu,Xuming Ye, Renjiao Duan, Yusheng Li,Zhiyong Xu

2022 IEEE International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference (IPCCC)(2022)

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Recently, cloud storage has been widely used in our daily life. And there are lots of redundancy among these outsourced data. Conventional deduplication technology efficiently splits these data at the chunk level and removes the duplicate chunks to save the network bandwidth and improve the cloud storage utility. But it ignores the redundancy among similar chunks. Resemblance detection has recently become a hot issue with detecting these redundant parts among similar data. CARD, the state-of-the-art work, can efficiently and effectively remove these redundancies by introducing the neural network with resemblance detection. However, the source domain of the CARD model may have an explicitly different input distribution. The cloud cannot deal with the possible future domain data based on CARD design. This cross-domain setting may serials degrades the performance of CARD. To overcome this problem, we propose a cross-domain resemblance detection scheme called MetaContext. Integrating the chunk-context aware model and the learn-to-learn idea can produce a more robust chunk feature than CARD. As a byproduct, it also outperforms the CARD in speed. Finally, we implement the MetaContext and conduct serial experiments on real workloads. The results show that our method can efficiently and effectively detect and remove the redundancy among similar data.
Cloud Storage,Data Deduplication,Meta-Learning,Resemblance Detection
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