Single Event Upset and Total Ionizing Dose Response of 12LP FinFET Digital Circuits

2022 IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop (REDW) (in conjunction with 2022 NSREC)(2022)

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Experimental results show the response of Global Foundries (GF) 12-nm bulk FinFET digital structures to 10 keV x-ray, $^{60}{\mathrm Co}$ gamma rays, and heavy ions. Among the structures are circuits of 19 scan chains each made up of 15840 digital flip-flops (DFF). Other test structures include digital cells including modified inverters, two input NOR, three input NOR, two input NAND, and three input NAND. Heavy ion sources and 63.6 ${\mathrm rad}({\mathrm SiO}_{2})/{\mathrm s}$ gamma rays were provided by Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The x-ray source was provided by the SES facility at AFRL in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Single event upset (SEU) cross-sections vs. ion linear energy transfer (LET) for the digital flip-flop chains are extracted. Total ionizing dose (TID) experimental results for both the modified digital cells and DFF circuits are reported.
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Key words
FinFET,total ionizing dose,single event upset,digital flip-flop.
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