Promoting communicative interactions in virtual environments: a methodological approach

2022 XII International Conference on Virtual Campus (JICV)(2022)

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The rapid transition from face-to-face to digital learning has created new opportunities for interaction. However, the low participation of students in virtual learning environments has promoted research that seeks to know the causes and propose alternatives to increase communicative interactions in E-Learning platforms. This article presents the results of a research developed through a qualitative perspective with a hermeneutic methodological approach, where texts and virtual learning environments of the Academic UVirtual platform of the University of Medellín -Colombia were analyzed. Thus, a methodology is proposed to promote communicative interactions in virtual environments mediated by ICT, from higher education institutions. This methodology will make it possible to distinguish characteristics of communicative interactions, facilitate tasks aimed at promoting critical and collaborative thinking, self-learning, permanent training, and flexibility; implement enriched virtual environments enabling dynamic and proactive use in teaching-learning processes, to promote communicative interactions and permanent collaboration of teachers and students on the ELearning platform.
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Communicative interactions,virtual learning environments,Virtual platform,E-Learning
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