
COVID-19 lockdown and hip arthroplasty rehabilitation changes: mid-term clinical outcomes

European review for medical and pharmacological sciences(2022)

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OBJECTIVE: Hip arthroplasty is one of the most performed surgeries in orthopedics. Rehabilitation process after surgery allows rapid recovery of joint functions in absence of pain in most patients. During COVID-19 pandemic, rehabilitation clinics have reduced the number of beds available. Thus, an increasing number of patients were forced to home rehabilitation programs. Our study aimed at determining any significant differences in clinical and functional outcomes between those patients who underwent a home rehabilitation program and those others who were granted a place in a Rehabilitation clinic during COVID-19 pandemic, at mid-term follow-up. PATIENTS AND METHODS: An observational retrospective single- center study was designed. The patients included were 63, divided into two groups: Group A (29 patients) for home rehabilitation, and Group B (34 patients) for clinic rehabilitation. Follow- up was performed at 1, 6 and 12 months after surgery. Clinical evaluation was assessed through Oxford Hip Score for hip function, Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for pain and hip range of motion (ROM) to evaluate joint recovery. RESULTS: ROM was compared at follow-up with significant differences 12 months after surgery (107.93 degrees group A vs. 104.7 degrees group B; p= 0.0168). Pain felt by patients according to the VAS scale showed no significant differences at follow-up (1 month 3.27 vs. 3.65 p=0.1489; 6 months 1.89 vs. 2.18 p=0.105; 12 months 0.58 vs. 0.68 p= 0.6263). Regarding the Oxford Hip score, significant differences emerged at 1- month follow-up (38.75 group A vs. 37.94 group B; p= 0.0498). CONCLUSIONS: At mid-term follow-up, little differences were found between patients who went through home rehabilitation and those who went to a rehabilitation clinic. Therefore, decreasing the number of beds available in re- hab clinics during COVID-19 pandemic was not an obstacle for elective surgery for orthopedic surgeons.
COVID-19,Total hip arthroplasty,Rehabilitation
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