Community-Acquired Pneumonia: Postpandemic, Not Post-COVID-19.

Loren Ketai,Jennifer Febbo, Hellen K Busby, Elyce B Sheehan

Seminars in respiratory and critical care medicine(2022)

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The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic upended our approach to imaging community-acquired pneumonia, and this will alter our diagnostic algorithms for years to come. In light of these changes, it is worthwhile to consider several postpandemic scenarios of community-acquired pneumonia: (1) patient with pneumonia and recent positive COVID-19 testing; (2) patient with air space opacities and history of prior COVID-19 pneumonia (weeks earlier); (3) multifocal pneumonia with negative or unknown COVID-19 status; and (4) lobar or sublobar pneumonia with negative or unknown COVID-19 status. In the setting of positive COVID-19 testing and typical radiologic findings, the diagnosis of COVID-19 pneumonia is generally secure. The diagnosis prompts vigilance for thromboembolic disease acutely and, in severely ill patients, for invasive fungal disease. Persistent or recurrent air space opacities following COVID-19 infection may more often represent organizing pneumonia than secondary infection. When COVID-19 status is unknown or negative, widespread airway-centric disease suggests infection with mycoplasma, Haemophilus influenzae, or several respiratory viruses. Necrotizing pneumonia favors infection with pneumococcus, , , and anaerobes. Lobar or sublobar pneumonia will continue to suggest the diagnosis of pneumococcus or consideration of other pathogens in the setting of local outbreaks. A positive COVID-19 test accompanied by these imaging patterns may suggest coinfection with one of the above pathogens, or when the prevalence of COVID-19 is very low, a false positive COVID-19 test. Clinicians may still proceed with testing for COVID-19 when radiologic patterns are atypical for COVID-19, dependent on the patient's exposure history and the local epidemiology of the virus.
community-acquired pneumonia,viral pneumonia,organizing pneumonia,COIVD-19,Staphylococcus,computed tomography
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