An infinite family of 0-APN monomials with two parameters


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We consider an infinite family of exponents e ( l , k ) with two parameters, l and k , and derive sufficient conditions for e ( l , k ) to be 0-APN over 𝔽_2^n . These conditions allow us to generate, for each choice of l and k , an infinite list of dimensions n where x^e(l,k) is 0-APN much more efficiently than in general. We observe that the Gold and Inverse exponents, as well as the inverses of the Gold exponents can be expressed in the form e ( l , k ) for suitable l and k . We characterize all cases in which e ( l , k ) can be cyclotomic equivalent to a representative from the Gold, Kasami, Welch, Niho, and Inverse families of exponents. We characterize when e ( l , k ) can lie in the same cyclotomic coset as the Dobbertin exponent (without considering inverses) and provide computational data showing that the Dobbertin inverse is never equivalent to e ( l , k ). We computationally test the APN-ness of e ( l , k ) for small values of l and k over 𝔽_2^n for n ≤ 100 , and sketch the limits to which such tests can be performed using currently available technology. We conclude that there are no APN monomials among the tested functions, outside of the known classes.
APN function,0-APN function,Power function,Cyclotomic equivalence
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