Point-to-point Destination of Mobile Robot using Linear Odometry

Rizal Imam Abdul Aziz,Catur Hilman A.H.B. Baskoro,Hendri Maja Saputra,Nanang Ismail, Muhamad Fahrur Radzi

2021 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics, Intelligent Manufacture and Industrial Automation (ICAMIMIA)(2021)

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The point-to-point destination (P2D) system is a robot motion system to reach the destination position by providing cartesian input coordinates for the initial and destination places. Confined areas such as airports can use this system to make it easier for users to carry goods from one point to another. This study aims to design a semi-autonomous mobile robot based on linear odometry using four E18-D80NK infrared proximity sensors. The mobile robot's initial position and destination position is initiated by providing input (initial cartesian axis) and output (end cartesian axis) values on the gadget device connected to the mobile robot wirelessly via Bluetooth communication. The results of the infrared-based heading angle reading test result in an average measurement error of 1.90%. Then, the results of the infrared-based distance test produce an average measurement error of 1.83%. The results of testing the point-to-point destination system have an average error of reading the destination coordinates as follows in quadrant I of 2.25%, in quadrant II of 1.34%, in quadrant III of 5.01 %, and quadrant IV of 4.87%.
infrared sensor,mobile robot,odometry,point to point destination
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