Wearable Healthcare Monitoring Based on a Microfluidic Electrochemical Integrated Device for Sensing Glucose in Natural Sweat.


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Wearable sweat sensors offer the possibility of continuous real-time health monitoring of an individual at a low cost without invasion. A variety of sweat glucose sensors have been developed thus far to help diabetes patients frequently monitor blood glucose levels through sweat glucose as a surrogate marker. The present study demonstrates the development and characterization of a three-dimensional paper-based microfluidic electrochemical integrated device (3D PMED) for measuring glucose concentration in sweat in real-time via simple, non-invasive, capillary-action-based sample collection. The device was selective for glucose, and it detected glucose accurately in the clinically relevant range (0~2 mM) in an off-body setup. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time NEXAR™ has been used for biosensing applications. Further, the developed glucose sensor has acceptable sensitivity of 16.8 µA/mM/cm. Importantly, in an on-body setup, the device achieved a significant amperometric response to sweat glucose in a very short amount of time (a few seconds). With detailed investigations, this proof-of-concept study could help further the development of sensitive and selective sweat-based glucose sensing devices for real-time glucose monitoring in diabetes patients.
glucose detection,screen-printed electrode,sweat,wearable microfluidic sensors
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