Analysis of the state of development of breeding livestock in Ukraine

T. A. Velesyk, V. V. Moisiievych

Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies(2022)

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Breeding of agricultural animals in Ukraine is a complex system consisting of many stages. Successful selection work includes a whole set of very important measures. In the conditions of wartime, the issue of animal husbandry development, in the direction of tribal affairs, acquires special relevance and requires further research. Therefore, the aim of the work was to study aspects of the territorial distribution of breeding animals in Ukraine. Research has established that the share of agriculture in the country's GDP has a tendency to grow: from 12.26% in 2017 to 16.87% in 2021. This is due to the reduction in the rate of GDP growth and the increase in the rate of volume growth agricultural activity. Over the last 10 years, crop production prevailed (more than 70%), while livestock production occupied less than 30%, respectively. The largest share of animal husbandry was recorded in 2010 – 29.48%, and the smallest in 2019 – 20.89%. In 2020, there was an increase in live weight of farm animals, compared to 2019, but compared to 2015, there was a reduction of more than 12%. According to research, in 2020 there was an increase in live weight of farm animals, compared to 2019, but compared to 2015, there was a reduction of more than 12%. The organization of reproduction of the herd is of great national economic importance, since the acceleration of the intensification of animal husbandry depends on it. One of the main issues in the reproduction of animal husbandry is the systematic replacement of animals culled due to disease, old age or low productivity with younger and more productive animals, i.e. herd repair. In recent years, 6 regional selection centers and 64 inter-district own breeding enterprises, 1516 posts for artificial insemination of cows and heifers in the individual sector were created in Ukraine. In addition, based on the report of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, it was established that the genetically guaranteed level of productivity of animals of these breeds is: milk productivity in 305 days of lactation, 5200-6400 kilograms of milk, average daily gain of young meat breeds – 1200 grams, pigs – 790-980 grams, sheared wool in pure fiber – 4.5-5.3 kg, which is 3 times higher than the average indicators for Ukraine. Further research will be the next stage in the development of measures for the development of animal husbandry in the Rivne region and Ukraine in particular.
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