Dead-cone searches in heavy-ion collisions using the jet tree

Physical review D/Physical review D(2023)

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We explore the possibility of using the dead cone of heavy quarks as a region of the Lund plane where medium-induced gluon radiation can be isolated and characterized. The filling of the dead cone by medium-induced gluons is expected to be the result of the interplay between the minimum angle of such radiation due to transverse momentum broadening and the dead-cone angle. Since the measurement of a fully corrected Lund plane in heavy-ion collisions is currently challenging, we propose to use jet grooming techniques to identify a particular splitting in the jet tree that is both perturbative and sensitive to the dead -cone effect. To that end, we propose a new jet substructure groomer, dubbed Late-kt, that selects the most collinear splitting in a QCD jet above a certain transverse momentum cutoff kt;cut. The role of kt;cut is to guarantee perturbative splittings, while selecting the most collinear splitting enhances the sensitivity to mass effects. As a proof of concept, we study the angular distribution of the splitting tagged by Late-kt both analytically and with Monte Carlo simulations. First, we derive the logarithmic resummation structure in vacuum and demonstrate its capability to distinguish between inclusive and heavy-flavored jets. Next, we extend the calculation for in-medium jets and show that medium-induced emissions lead to an enhancement of collinear emissions below the dead-cone angle. Numerically, we demonstrate an excellent resilience of Late-kt against uncorrelated thermal background, thus confirming this observable as a potential candidate to unveil medium dynamics around the dead-cone regime.
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