Effect of chronic exposure to ketohexoses on pancreatic beta-cell function in INS-1 rat insulinoma cells

Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry(2023)

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Glucotoxicity, impaired insulin secretion, suppression of insulin gene expression, and apoptosis, in pancreatic beta-cells caused by chronic hyperglycemia is a key component of the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes. Recently, it has been reported that rare sugar d-allulose has antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic effects in diabetic rats. However, the direct effects of rare sugars including d-allulose on pancreatic beta-cell function are unclear. In this study, we investigated whether chronic exposure to ketohexoses causes glucotoxicity, suppression of insulin gene expression, and apoptosis, in INS-1 rat pancreatic insulinoma cells. d-Fructose, d-tagatose, l-allulose, and l-sorbose treatment for 1-week reduced insulin gene expression, whereas d-allulose, d-sorbose, l-fructose, and l-tagatose did not. All ketohexoses were transported into INS-1 cells, but were not metabolized. In addition, the ketohexoses did not induce apoptosis and did not affect glucose metabolism. These results suggest that long-term administration of d-allulose, d-sorbose, l-fructose, and l-tagatose does not affect pancreatic beta-cell function.
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Key words
rare sugar,type 2 diabetes,glucotoxicity,insulin gene expression,apoptosis
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