The Role of Music-Based Interventions in Orthopaedic Surgery.

Benjamin Chiang,Caillin Marquardt, Jeffery C Martin,Alisa Malyavko,Sean Tabaie


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Music-based interventions (MBIs), such as music therapy, are interventions in which music is used to address the physical, emotional, and social needs of individuals. The origin of music-based therapy can be traced to ancient Egypt and expanded into the United States during the mid-1900s. These interventions have shown efficacy in reducing anxiety and pain in both nonsurgical and surgical settings across various medical specialities, one of which is orthopaedic surgery. Prior studies have investigated the use of MBI in adult and paediatric patients and have shown an improvement in patient well-being following medical care and a reduction in healthcare costs across both patient populations. This standard review covers the current utility of MBI in the field of orthopaedic surgery and explores the current literature on the application and limitations of MBI in both the operative and nonoperative aspects of orthopaedic care.
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Key words
alternative therapies,music intervention,orthopaedic surgery,patient-centred care,wellness resources
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