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PTB-INRIM comparison of novel digital impedance bridges with graphene impedance quantum standards


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This paper describes an onsite comparison of two different digital impedance bridges when performing measurements on a quantum Hall resistance standard with the purpose of realizing the SI unit of capacitance, the farad. In the EMPIR Joint Research Project 18SIB07 GIQS, graphene impedance quantum standards, the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Germany, developed a Josephson impedance bridge, and the Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRIM) and the Politecnico di Torino (POLITO), Italy, developed an electronic digital impedance bridge. The former is based on Josephson waveform generators and the latter on an electronic waveform synthesizer. The INRIM-POLITO impedance bridge was moved to PTB and the two bridges were compared by measuring both temperature-controlled standards and a graphene AC quantized Hall resistance (QHR) standard. The uncertainties for the calibration of 10 nF capacitance standards at 1233 Hz are within 1 x 10(-8) for the PTB's bridge and around 1 x 10(-7) for the INRIM-POLITO's bridge. The comparison mutually validates the two bridges within the combined uncertainty. The result confirms that digital impedance bridges allow the realization of the SI farad from the QHR with uncertainties comparable with the best calibration capabilities of the BIPM and the major National Metrology Institutes.
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impedance metrology,quantized Hall resistance standards,impedance bridges,graphene,Josephson arbitrary waveform synthesizers
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