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Annals of the rheumatic diseases(2022)

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BackgroundThe goal of targeted treatment in patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is to achieve clinical remission or low disease activity, with the best quality of life, low damage rates and better survival 1-4. RELESSAR is a multicenter, cross-sectional study registry of ≥18 years SLE (ACR 97) patients 5.ObjectivesTo describe demographic, clinical characteristics and treatments in SLE patients according to disease activity state. To evaluate the proportion of SLE and refractory SLE patients that are potentially candidates for Belimumab treatment (Active SLE despite standard treatment including increased acDNA autoantibodies and low complement).MethodsWe evaluated demographic and clinical data, treatments, score of damage (SLICC), activity (SLEDAI) and comorbidity (Charlson), hospital admissions and severe infections. The patients were compared according to disease activity: remission (SLEDAI = 0 and without corticosteroids), low disease activity (LDA, SLEDAI> 0 and ≤4 and without corticosteroids) and non-optimal control (SLEDAI> 4 and any dose of corticosteroids). Refractory SLE was defined according to Rituximab (RTX) use, non-response to cyclophosphamide or two or more immunosuppressant or splenectomized patients. Potential use of Belimumab according approved prescription in Argentina was analyzed.ResultsOverall, 1277 patients were analyzed: 299 (23.4%) were in remission, 162 (12.7%) in LDA and 816 (63.9%) with non-optimal control of the disease.Patients in non-optimal control group were younger, less frequently female and they showed less time of disease and lower socioeconomic status (p < 0.001). They were also more prevalent mestizos (p= 0.004), had higher SLEDAI and SLICC indexes (p <0.001) and higher use of immunosuppressant therapy (p <0.001). There was no difference regarding biologic treatment (RTX p= 0.547 and Belimumab p= 0.08). This group had higher proportion of hospital admissions and severe infections (p<0.001, respectively).Two hundred and one SLE patients fulfilled the use of Belimumab prescription criteria but only 45/201 patients (22,3%) received it in the last visit. Malar rash was the only clinical variable associated with the use of Belimumab (72.7% vs 29.8% p= 0.005).Seventy-six patients classified as refractory SLE (15.7%) and 56/76 (75.7%) never received Belimumab. Patients on Belimumab therapy were associated to treatment with lower doses of corticoids (p= 0.018) and lower rate of hospital admission caused by SLE flare (p= 0.027).ConclusionA high percentage of patients had uncontrolled disease upon entry into the registry and were potential candidates for treatment with Belimumab. The patients who received biologic treatment showed the benefit of requiring fewer doses of corticosteroids and having a lower rate of hospitalizations.References[1]Mok CC. Treat-to-target in systemic lupus erythematosus: Are we there yet? Expert Rev Clin Pharmacol. 2016;9(5).[2]Morand EF, Mosca M. Treat to target, remission and low disease activity in SLE. Vol. 31, Best Practice and Research: Clinical Rheumatology. 2017.[3]Golder V, Tsang-A-Sjoe MWP. Treatment targets in SLE: Remission and low disease activity state. Rheumatol (United Kingdom). 2020;59.[4]Ruiz-Irastorza G, Bertsias G. Treating systemic lupus erythematosus in the 21st century: new drugs and new perspectives on old drugs. Vol. 59, Rheumatology (United Kingdom). 2021.[5]Hochberg MC. Updating the American College of Rheumatology revised criteria for the classification of systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis Rheum [Internet]. 1997;40(9):1725. Available from: of InterestsRosana Quintana: None declared, Lucila Garcia: None declared, Paula Alba: None declared, Susana Roverano: None declared, Analia Alvarez: None declared, Cesar Graf: None declared, Cecilia Pisoni: None declared, Alberto Spindler: None declared, Catalina Gomez: None declared, Heber Matias Figueredo: None declared, Silvia Papasidero: None declared, Raul Horacio Paniego: None declared, Maria DeLaVega: None declared, Emma Estela Civit De Garignani: None declared, Luciana Gonzalez Lucero: None declared, Victoria Martire: None declared, Rodrigo Águila Maldonado: None declared, Sergio Gordon: None declared, Carla Gobbi: None declared, Romina Nieto: None declared, Gretel Rausch: None declared, Vanina Góngora: None declared, Maria Agustina D´Amico: None declared, Diana Dubinsky: None declared, Alberto Omar Orden: None declared, Johana Zacariaz: None declared, Julia Romero: None declared, Mariana Alejandra Pera: None declared, Oscar Rillo: None declared, Roberto Baez: None declared, Valeria Arturi: None declared, Andrea Gonzalez: None declared, Florencia Vivero: None declared, Marcela Schmid: None declared, Victor Caputo: None declared, Maria Silvia Larroude: None declared, Graciela Gomez: None declared, Graciela Rodriguez: None declared, Josefina Marin: None declared, Maria Victoria Collado: None declared, Marisa Jorfen: None declared, Zaida Bedran: None declared, Judith Sarano: None declared, David Zelaya: None declared, MONICA SACNUN: None declared, Pablo Finucci: None declared, Romina Rojas Tessel: None declared, Maria Emilia Sattler: None declared, MAXIMILIANO MACHADO ESCOBAR: None declared, Pablo Astesana: None declared, Ursula Vanesa Paris: None declared, Alberto Allievi: None declared, Juan Manuel Vandale: None declared, Bernardo Pons-Estel: None declared, Guillermo Pons-Estel: None declared, Mercedes García Grant/research support from: GSK grant
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