Effective Communication in Transition Care During Shift Change


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The aim of this study is to examine the effective communication process during shift changes in a transitional care unit; communication should be clear, concise and relevant. The caregivers should be able to understand their mates needs and wants, and they should understand what is happening. Indeed, it will be study if there is inconsistency in the communication process during shift change, since there are some factors that could be affecting the consistency, such as inadequate time for communication, lack of awareness about the needs of other team members and unclear expectations from managers, a process carried out by interviewing employees who have experience in transitional care. The interviewees are asked about their past experiences and what they think are the most important points for effective communication. No doubt this article will discuss the communication challenges and opportunities that arise when a caregiver transfers care from one shift to the next, with effective communication being the key. On the other hand, in this work is also set a Logic Programming based framework that nurses may use to optimize their insight into how caregivers may make their communication more effective by understanding the needs of both parties involved in the shift change process.
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ISBAR method, Transition care, Shift change, Patient's safety, Logic programming, The laws of thermodynamics, Entropy, Computational sustainability
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