A Review of the Extended EUV Corona Observed by the Sun Watcher with Active Pixels and Image Processing (SWAP) Instrument

Solar Physics(2022)

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The Sun Watcher with Active Pixels and Image Processing (SWAP) instrument onboard ESA’s PRoject for On Board Autonomy 2 (PROBA2) has provided the first uncompressed, high-cadence, continuous, large field-of-view observations of the extended extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) corona for over a complete solar cycle. It has helped shape our understanding of this previously understudied region, and pioneered research into the middle corona. In this article, we present a review of all publications that have utilized these observations to explore the extended EUV corona, highlighting the unique contributions made by SWAP. The review is broadly divided into three main sections of SWAP-based studies about: i) long-lived phenomena, such as streamers, pseudo-streamers, and coronal fans; ii) dynamic phenomena, such as eruptions, jets, EUV waves, and shocks; iii) coronal EUV emission generation. We also highlight SWAP’s imaging capabilities, techniques that have been applied to observations to enhance the off-limb observations and its legacy.
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Key words
Coronal mass ejections,low coronal signatures,Coronal mass ejections,initiation and propagation,Corona,structures,Instrumentation and data management,Jets,Prominences,formation and evolution,Radio bursts
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